Saturday, October 20, 2012

Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge часть вторая - The Results

What a great time!  I think I can speak for everyone and say that we all had fun.  For those of you who weren't able to make missed out.  The second Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge was successful and we have a new champion.

With 149 points our winner is.................

Aaron Ozminski

Some mighty fine shooting.  I think Phase 4 really came into play this year.  Here are the final scores.

Scott N 136
Justin B 135
Greg C 133
Kim B 130
Tom C 112
Justin F 112
Rick N 106
Jarom X 104
Liz J 95
Todd F 81
Andy J 59

Thanks again to everyone for coming out and to Troy our awesome RO.  If you have any good pictures or video you would like to share please send them over.  I wasn't able to get too many but here are a few shots along with my view of the big finale.  Poor pumpkins.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Challengers

Are you ready?  Are you signed up?

Here's who I've heard from and will be shooting this Saturday morning.  If you don't see your name on the list below shoot me an email so I can get you on the list.  We may have some open slots so be sure to invite your friends.  We will be shooting in groups so there's always someone willing to share their rifle.

The Challengers
Rick N
Aaron O
Tom C
Cary C
Todd F
Skylar S
Justin F
Andy J
Elizabeth J
Troy W
Greg C
Justin B
Kim B

The list doesn't include a couple of maybes but we have room so if you are not on the list and not sure if you can make it until Saturday, come if you can.

Don't forget, bring your stock Mosin 91/30, ammo, eyes, ears, registration money, a recoil pad if you want/need one, binoculars or spotting scope if you want for the warm up session, and prepare yourself for some competitive fun.  Also, don't forget that your registration includes range fee for the day so if you want to bring any other rifles or handguns and take advantage of the great range after the shoot it is encouraged.

See you at the challenge.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Getting Ready

October 20th is coming quick...

Yes, the Challenge is still on.  Personal matters are out of the way and I have been getting ready.   I hope you have been as well.  I've had a chance to get the "new" Mosin out a couple times now.  Most recently, I was able to get out yesterday with my 11 year old daughter.  Although, I couldn't talk her into shooting the Mosin, she had a great time plinking away on the 10/22.  This Mosin does not have near the amount of compensation needed on its aim point as the other one. 

I hope you've had time to get some practice in.  Now, spread the word.  Tell your buddies, tell your neighbors.  The sign up list is getting bigger and I will have to cap the number of participants to make sure we have time to get everyone through the challenge.  Make sure you've got your spot by getting me your name and email on the list.  It will also help me with planning for how many will be coming.  I know we have some tentative and some just planning on showing up.  That's great, but only those that pre-sign up will be guaranteed to take part.  Email me at

Saturday October 20th -
9:00  Sign in
9:15  Safety and Competition Rules
9:30  Warm Up Round
10:00  Competition Starts
12:45  Finish shooting and clean up

4 Stage
Stage 1 - 50 yards standing
Stage 2 - 75 yards benchrest, time limit
Stage 3 - 100 yards benchrest
Stage 4 - The Challenge, the fewer the shots, the more points

Bring -
Your (or someone else's) 91/30 Mosin (no modifications or scopes)
40+ rounds of ammo (20 for the competition and more for the warm up and firing line)
Binoculars or spotting scope (can be used at warm up but not during the competition)
Eyes and ears

Who will be crowned the next Utah Mosin Nagant Champion?