Sunday, October 16, 2016

Time for Another Cold Shoot

It is time once again to break out the old Mosin and see what she can do.  Add a couple more years to that already aging rifle and see what has made it through history and still capable of sending rounds down range.  Plan on joining us for the Fall 2016 Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge.

Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge
November 12th 1:00 pm
Wahsatch Shooters Association Range in Kaysville, UT
Fee: $17 (non-members)  $7 (members of the range)

The challenge will once again test your skills against others with the historic Russian rifle.  This is a 4 stage match where we will shoot standing at 50 yards, timed at 75 yards, and bench rest at 100 yards.  Each stage is scored and top score will get bragging rights as UMNC winner.

The rifle will be a non-modified Mosin Nagant shooting the 7.62 x 54r cartridge.  91/30's, M44's, M38's, etc.  All rifles will be using open sights for the challenge.

This competition is designed to have some inexpensive competitive fun with a fairly even playing field.  Its a way to enjoy some competition without spending a lot of money for accuracy.

Email with any questions.

Hope to see you there.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Results

The weather held off perfectly for another fun event.  Thanks to all who came and to all who couldn't but wanted to, we'll see you in the fall.

Results from the May 7th, 2016 UMNC

#1 - Aaron    249
#2 - Scott      192
#3 - Michael 188
#4 - Rick       182
#5 - Todd       173
#6 - Mitch     162
#7 - Nathan   142

Congrats to Aaron on his 3rd UMNC win.  He won this one hands down.

Friday, April 15, 2016

May 7th 2016 - The Next Challenge is On

Clear the rust out of the barrel.  It is time again to see how good that cheap, mass produced old rifle can shoot.  Hopefully this entry will help answer questions you may have regarding the Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge.

Saturday May 7th - 1:00 pm
Wahsatch Shooters Association Range in Kaysville, UT
Fee:  Members of the range - $8, non-members $18
Registration:  Please sign up by emailing me at

The Rifle - The original rifle in this challenge is the 91/30.  The kind you used to be able to pick up for under $100 covered in cosmoline.  This is an open sight event, no scopes.  No modifications should be made to the rifle to keep everyone on an similar playing field.  Knowing how the rifle shoots is the key.  Exceptions are made for a recoil pad and if you want to paint the thing pink that will be allowed.  However, no trigger jobs, fancy stocks, etc.  In the last couple of events we have started to allow the carbines like the M44, M38, etc. with the same restrictions.  You can shoot with or without bayonet, sling, or while wearing an official Russian military uniform.  Part of the fun is to have a competition using a really cheap old gun out of the box, or rather, out of the crate.

The Ammo - The Mosin shoots the 7.62 x 54r.  You may shoot, like most of us do, the surplus ammo freshly rusted out of the spam can.  Or you can use your fancy store bought stuff that looks the same but just isn't as corrosive.  Where's the fun in that?  Hand loads?  Sure.  If you got the time.

The Challenge - The competition consists of 4 main stages and there usually are some side challenges along the way.  The main stages are always subject to some slight variances to keep things interesting but will follow these basics.

  1. The first stage is taken standing at 50 yards.  Right handed, left handed, one handed, who knows.
  2. The second stage is at 75 yards and is a timed event.  50 seconds? 40 seconds? 36.5 seconds? How many shots can you get off with accuracy?  This will be bench rest.
  3. The third stage is also bench rest, no time limit, at 100 yards.  Accuracy, or in this case, knowing where your rifle wants to shoot at 100 yards is the key to this one.
  4. The last stage is often the make or break.  At about 110 yards you have to have a clean kill of a standard 12 oz soda can.  The fewer shots you take, the more you score.  Its hard to see a soda can at that distance so make sure you are shooting at the right target.
The Target - The first three stages are scored with a ringed target below.  We went with this target due to its visibility at distance.

The Winner - As a participant of this challenge you are playing for the bragging rights of saying you won the Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge.  Yeah, maybe you get a pack of surplus ammo to replace what you shot.  There is usually something, but really its for the fun and for the bragging rights.

The Firing Squad - At the end of each challenge we have made it a tradition to line up the firing squad and execute something like a cuddly teddy bear or the left over jack-o-lantern.

Take a look at the previous blogs and feel free to email an questions you have.  I look forward to having you there.  Please sign up so we know how many to expect and make sure we have enough targets.