Sunday, October 16, 2016

Time for Another Cold Shoot

It is time once again to break out the old Mosin and see what she can do.  Add a couple more years to that already aging rifle and see what has made it through history and still capable of sending rounds down range.  Plan on joining us for the Fall 2016 Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge.

Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge
November 12th 1:00 pm
Wahsatch Shooters Association Range in Kaysville, UT
Fee: $17 (non-members)  $7 (members of the range)

The challenge will once again test your skills against others with the historic Russian rifle.  This is a 4 stage match where we will shoot standing at 50 yards, timed at 75 yards, and bench rest at 100 yards.  Each stage is scored and top score will get bragging rights as UMNC winner.

The rifle will be a non-modified Mosin Nagant shooting the 7.62 x 54r cartridge.  91/30's, M44's, M38's, etc.  All rifles will be using open sights for the challenge.

This competition is designed to have some inexpensive competitive fun with a fairly even playing field.  Its a way to enjoy some competition without spending a lot of money for accuracy.

Email with any questions.

Hope to see you there.