Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Date October 20th - Sign Up

Due to a family event possibly keeping me out of town I have had to reschedule the challenge to October 20th.  I hope you will all still be able to make the new date.  

October 20th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Wahsatch Shooters Association Range in Kaysville, UT
Fee - $8 for WSA members and $15 for non-members ($7 covers range fee all day use)

Sign ups begin now.  Simply email me your name and provide your email address.  Send it to

A few things to keep in mind.
- We are competing with the Mosin Nagant 91/30.  The kind you get for around $100.  No scopes or major modifications. 
- Open sight shooting, standing and sitting from 50 to 100+ yards.
- A point system will be used for 4 stages so accuracy will be the key.
- Surplus ammo was used I think by all last time, but if you want to spend more money on the stuff, be my guest.

If you have other questions, feel free to post or email and I will try to answer them on the website.

This is about having some fun at the range.  If you have never competed in a shooting competition this is a great place to start.  Sign up, tell a friend, buy them a Mosin, and take them shooting.  Spread the comrade love.