Saturday, October 20, 2012

Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge часть вторая - The Results

What a great time!  I think I can speak for everyone and say that we all had fun.  For those of you who weren't able to make missed out.  The second Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge was successful and we have a new champion.

With 149 points our winner is.................

Aaron Ozminski

Some mighty fine shooting.  I think Phase 4 really came into play this year.  Here are the final scores.

Scott N 136
Justin B 135
Greg C 133
Kim B 130
Tom C 112
Justin F 112
Rick N 106
Jarom X 104
Liz J 95
Todd F 81
Andy J 59

Thanks again to everyone for coming out and to Troy our awesome RO.  If you have any good pictures or video you would like to share please send them over.  I wasn't able to get too many but here are a few shots along with my view of the big finale.  Poor pumpkins.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Challengers

Are you ready?  Are you signed up?

Here's who I've heard from and will be shooting this Saturday morning.  If you don't see your name on the list below shoot me an email so I can get you on the list.  We may have some open slots so be sure to invite your friends.  We will be shooting in groups so there's always someone willing to share their rifle.

The Challengers
Rick N
Aaron O
Tom C
Cary C
Todd F
Skylar S
Justin F
Andy J
Elizabeth J
Troy W
Greg C
Justin B
Kim B

The list doesn't include a couple of maybes but we have room so if you are not on the list and not sure if you can make it until Saturday, come if you can.

Don't forget, bring your stock Mosin 91/30, ammo, eyes, ears, registration money, a recoil pad if you want/need one, binoculars or spotting scope if you want for the warm up session, and prepare yourself for some competitive fun.  Also, don't forget that your registration includes range fee for the day so if you want to bring any other rifles or handguns and take advantage of the great range after the shoot it is encouraged.

See you at the challenge.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Getting Ready

October 20th is coming quick...

Yes, the Challenge is still on.  Personal matters are out of the way and I have been getting ready.   I hope you have been as well.  I've had a chance to get the "new" Mosin out a couple times now.  Most recently, I was able to get out yesterday with my 11 year old daughter.  Although, I couldn't talk her into shooting the Mosin, she had a great time plinking away on the 10/22.  This Mosin does not have near the amount of compensation needed on its aim point as the other one. 

I hope you've had time to get some practice in.  Now, spread the word.  Tell your buddies, tell your neighbors.  The sign up list is getting bigger and I will have to cap the number of participants to make sure we have time to get everyone through the challenge.  Make sure you've got your spot by getting me your name and email on the list.  It will also help me with planning for how many will be coming.  I know we have some tentative and some just planning on showing up.  That's great, but only those that pre-sign up will be guaranteed to take part.  Email me at

Saturday October 20th -
9:00  Sign in
9:15  Safety and Competition Rules
9:30  Warm Up Round
10:00  Competition Starts
12:45  Finish shooting and clean up

4 Stage
Stage 1 - 50 yards standing
Stage 2 - 75 yards benchrest, time limit
Stage 3 - 100 yards benchrest
Stage 4 - The Challenge, the fewer the shots, the more points

Bring -
Your (or someone else's) 91/30 Mosin (no modifications or scopes)
40+ rounds of ammo (20 for the competition and more for the warm up and firing line)
Binoculars or spotting scope (can be used at warm up but not during the competition)
Eyes and ears

Who will be crowned the next Utah Mosin Nagant Champion?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Date October 20th - Sign Up

Due to a family event possibly keeping me out of town I have had to reschedule the challenge to October 20th.  I hope you will all still be able to make the new date.  

October 20th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Wahsatch Shooters Association Range in Kaysville, UT
Fee - $8 for WSA members and $15 for non-members ($7 covers range fee all day use)

Sign ups begin now.  Simply email me your name and provide your email address.  Send it to

A few things to keep in mind.
- We are competing with the Mosin Nagant 91/30.  The kind you get for around $100.  No scopes or major modifications. 
- Open sight shooting, standing and sitting from 50 to 100+ yards.
- A point system will be used for 4 stages so accuracy will be the key.
- Surplus ammo was used I think by all last time, but if you want to spend more money on the stuff, be my guest.

If you have other questions, feel free to post or email and I will try to answer them on the website.

This is about having some fun at the range.  If you have never competed in a shooting competition this is a great place to start.  Sign up, tell a friend, buy them a Mosin, and take them shooting.  Spread the comrade love.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Mark your calendar.  Clear the date September 29th.  Its time for ...

Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge часть вторая (Part II)

More details and registration to follow.  Same place, same kind of format with maybe a tweak or two.  Start dusting off, or scraping the rust off of your Mosin, go get another tin of ammo and spend some time with your hammer (and sickle) pounding that front sight into alignment.  

We had a great time at the first Utah Mosin Nagant Challenge earlier this spring and I look forward to having another fun shoot. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The First Utah Nagant Challenge Has a Winner....

Yes, we all won.  What a great time.  Thanks again to everyone that came.  I'm pretty sure I saw a smile on every one's face at least once.  For those of you that didn't make it, you missed out.  Imagine walking by that rack of Mosin Nagants at the gun shop and then think what it would sound like with all of them being fired at the same time.  Cooler than you can imagine.

We had very good competitors and things went as good as we hoped.  Well almost.  Explosive targets are suppose to go off when you have about 15 guns fire at the same spot all at once.  And, we did make a sad excuse for a firing line when Ready...Aim...BANG BANG BANG BANG...Fire is called out.

So let's get to it. The winner of the first Utah Nagant Challenge is...................

Chance Platt

Chance shot some very good and consistent rounds.  The scoring was pretty close at the top.  A couple of better placed shots put him on top.  Great shooting for an open sight challenge.  Congratulations, Chance.  Well done.  We will have to do this again to give you a chance to defend your new title.

I know many of you have been wondering and checking to see if scores have been posted so here are the results.  175 total points from the 4 phases.  Keep in mind that among these scores there is someone who has never shot a Mosin until the shoot, someone who bought his first Mosin just a week before the original competition date, and a few that forgot which target was theirs.  I wont' point out which was which. Again, what matters is that we all had a great time.

Name                                        Score
Chance Platt                             143
R Justin Briggs                         136
Aaron Ozminski                       133
Welden Andersen                     131
Rick Nef                                   121
Kim Banks                               119
Scott Nef                                  113
Andy Jones                              112
Kyle Sullivan                           111
Brownie Cyphers                     109
Terrell Clements                      103
Troy Winchester                        97
Greg Clements                          83
Brad Talbot                               79
Tom Clements                           57
Ed Paz                                       44

We shot some rounds...

We blew things up...

We had a good time.  If you have any other good photos or video please send it to me and I will get it posted.  I think we will definitely have to do this again.  Please post any suggestions you have and keep practicing.  Thanks again to our range officers, the Wahsatch Shooters Association Range, and everyone for participating.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

6 Days Until the Challenge

Only 6 days before the first Utah Nagant Challenge.  Time to make sure you've run some cleaner and oil through that fine tuned machine of yours.  Or, like most of us, run a whole bunch of corrosive ammo through it and figure if its made it this long, who cares. 

I will be sending out an email today to those that have signed up.  If you wanted to participate but haven't gotten an email from me by tomorrow I may not have you on the list so make sure you have emailed me your name and email address.  Also, make sure you have read through the earlier posts for rules, registration, and other information and if you still have any questions please either shoot me an email or post a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Don't forget to bring plenty of ammo, eyes and ears, and your competitive spirit.

Here's the new schedule for Saturday.

9:00 - Arrive and Sign In
9:15 - Review Safety Rules and Competition Rules
9:30 - Warm Up Time
10:00 - Begin Stage 1 of Competition
12:55 - Be done with all event activities, cleaned up, and out of Bay 3.

There is another event at 1:00 in Bay 3 so we will need to be finished up and out of there.  However, with your registration you are paid up for the entire day for use at the main bay so if you want to move over to the main bay and bring some more toys, you are encouraged to do so and enjoy some good range time. 

If by chance we finish up earlier than expected we have to come up with some other fun challenges.  I like the idea of Mosin Salute.  Since this is the first Utah Nagant Challenge, its a good time to think of any traditions to start.  Your creative suggestions are welcome.

Can't wait.  See you in a few days.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Challenge Has Been Rescheduled

This evening I discovered that one of the Wahsatch Shooter's Association Range board members, and person that I had coordinated this event with, had passed earlier this week.  A memorial for him will be held during the same time as our event was posted and thus the range will not be available.

After a few phone calls we have been able to reschedule the event for April 21st at 9:00 am.  For those of you that have signed up, please send me an email letting me know that you are aware of the change and if you will be able to attend the new day and time.

This is an unfortunate change but we are looking forward to pulling off a fun event.  Thank you for your understanding.  I hope we still get everyone out that wanted to come.

As usual, let me know if you have any other questions.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Update and Answers to Questions

Less than 3 weeks before the fun begins.  Some good questions have been coming from you so I will try to answer them on posts for everyone.  Please continue to email me or post any additional questions that you have and I will try to get answers before the event.

- 91/30 vs M44
The question has come up more than once.  This first competition will be with the 91/30.  I want to see as many 91/30's firing as possible.  I will allow M44's to take part but will not qualify for the awards.  We're talking a $100 rifle so go find one and pick it up.  However, I'd love to see some M44's because they're cool too.  Future events may include an M44 class.  I invite all to come take part in the event and have a good time.

- What type of target will be used?
After trying a couple of different targets at the different distances we have found one that you will hopefully find easier to see the bulls eye at 100 yards.  The targets are The Allen Company part #1523.  If you want to get any practice in with this target, I found them at Sportsman's Warehouse.  One of the keys to this competition will be how well you know your rifle.  Knowing if your open sights are not dead on just means knowing how to compensate.

- The bench rest
During the bench rest portions of the competition you may use a basic rest for the front of your rifle only.  Sand bags, if you have them, an ammo can, or one of the wooden rests that are available at the range pictured below.

Here's another pic down range.  This is the main range just left of where our event will be.  The three targets in the center of the picture is at 100 yards.  Our bench rests won't be quite as big but will be adequate.

- Other items to bring with you
* A spotting scope or pair of binoculars.  You will be able to use these during the warm up/practice round but not during the competition.
* A pair of gloves.  We will be moving metal target holders during the competition.  These can have some jagged biting parts so some gloves can come in handy.
* Bring your eyes and ears.  Hearing and eye protection is mandatory.

Keep sending me any questions you may have.  I'm looking forward to this.  I've got a couple of prizes for the event.  Nothing big, but enough to envy the winner.  Keep checking back for more updates.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Its time to get signed up and see who is up for the challenge.  Tell your friends and anyone you think would like to have fun with their Nagant.  And if they don't have one, it gives them a reason to go get one.

If you plan on taking part in the first Utah Nagant Challenge, here's what I need from you.  Email me at  Give me your name and email address. 

Plan on arriving at the Wahsatch Shooter's Association range (in Kaysville) at 1 pm on 3/31/12. 
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm - Sign in / welcome / safety and rules
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm - Warm up / practice time
2:00 pm - Competition begins.  Duration will depend on number of participants and length of stages

Registration fee for the competition will be $5 for members of the range and $5 for non-members plus $7 for range fees.  The range fee is good for the whole day at the range so if you want to come earlier or stay after the competition and shoot, great.  The $5 competition fee will help cover targets and such.

Please email me any questions you have on the competition, stages, what is allowed, etc. and I will post answers to the question on the blog.  Now the rules.  They are subject to change up a bit, but it will give you the basic idea.

Utah Nagant Challenge Rules

Competition is open to all who have legal access to own/operate firearms and have basic knowledge of the firearm and able to operate it safely.  Entrants must email with intent of participating in the competition prior to the day of the event.  Participants must provide their own Mosin Nagant 91/30 rifle that meets the requirements below.  Each participant will need their own rifle as some stages in the event will not allow multiple users of a single rifle.  A small entry fee will be required to cover targets and some administrative fees.

The Rifle
This competition is all about having fun with a cheap surplus rifle.  Therefore, the rifle we will be allowing is the kind you get at the gun store for about $100 bucks, unmodified, open sights.  No scopes, no fancy new sights, no new stocks, and no fancy triggers.  Just the basic rifle that you got from the store.  If you want to compete and you only have the Nagant that you tricked out with the Monte Carlo stock and scope, then go buy another one.  Come on, their $100.  However, what will be allowed is the following.  You can paint the original stock purple, red, blue, pink or camouflage.   You can compete with the bayonet that came with the rifle mounted.  If you ever get jealous of those old time cowboy shoot competitions and you want to dress up in a costume you can. 
There will be some bench rest risers available at the range but I would suggest bringing your own sand bags, ammo can, etc. to use during the bench rest stages.  No attached bipods allowed.

The Ammo
The Mosin Nagant 91/30 shoots the 7.62 x 54r round.  Most of us will be using that awesome corrosive surplus ammo that you buy 440 at a time in a tin that can cut you up if you don’t know what you’re doing.   I suppose if you want to go buy an expensive box of fancy shmancy ammo you can use that.  And if you reload this stuff and you want to use that, well then I’m just jealous because you obviously have more time and money than I do.  You will need to bring 20 rounds for the competition and as many more that you would like to use during the warm up.

The competition will consist of 4 stages.  Each stage will require 5 rounds of ammo.  Each stage is set up to challenge your skill and accuracy in different uses with the Nagant.

Stage 1 –
The first stage will consist of 5 shots at 50 yards standing.  The target will be a typical ringed target and scoring will be explained at the event. 

Stage 2 –
The second stage will be timed event at 75 yards.  The same style of target will be used and same point system will apply.  5 shots in 1 minute from bench rest position.

Stage 3 –
This stage will be at 100 yards at the circular ring target.  5 shots to a single target from the bench rest position.  This event must be completed within a reasonable amount of time.  Accuracy at this distance is tough so your skill and knowledge of your Nagant will be necessary. 

Stage 4 –
Sniper Challenge.  This rifle was used as a sniper in WWII so we are checking you skills with long distance precision without the use of a scope.  In this stage you will have 5 rounds of ammo but the fewer you use the better you will score.  A breakable target will be set up at 100+ yards.  Scoring will be as follows.
1st shot hit = 25 point
2nd shot hit = 20 points
3rd shot hit = 15 points
4th shot hit = 10 points
5th shot hit = 5 points
Miss with all 5 rounds = 0 points

Total Scoring -
Final scores will be tallied by the committee and any discrepancies will be reviewed by the committee.  In the event of a tie, a tie-breaker will determine the winner.  The tie breaker will be governed by the committee.  It may consist of a single shot or a 3 to 5 shot round.  The contestant with the highest score will be awarded the Utah Nagant Challenge winner.
Integrity, honesty, etc. are expected from the participants.  Oh yeah, and you must have a good time.

Rewards –
To be determined.  Maybe some ammo, a prize of some sort, or a piece of paper that says you won.  Don’t expect much.  We are doing this for fun and bragging rights.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Put It On Your Calendar

Reserve the afternoon of March 31st.  The competition is on.

The first Utah Nagant Challenge will be held on the Saturday afternoon of March 31st.  Check in will be around 1-1:30 pm, competition to start around 2:00 pm.  We will be holding the competition in bay 3 of the Wahsatch Shooters Association range in Kaysville.  Final times and fees will be posted a little later but for now put it on the calendar.

What to Expect -

Registration - likely $14 for non members, $7 for members of the WSA range.  This is to basically cover the cost of targets, set-up, etc.  Any money brought in exceeding the expenses will be donated to either Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah, or to the American Cancer Society. 

4 Stages - There will be 4 stages to the competition.  You can expect shooting bench rest, standing, and a timed event from different distances.  For the bench rest portion you may bring your own sand bag rest or use a blanket on an ammo can.  The benches we will be using are not very large so there will not be much room to pack much with you.  Keep it simple.  No shooting vices or that kind of thing, it is a shooting competition after all.  More details on each of the 4 stages will be posted later.

Bragging Rights - An old rifle, iron sights, long distance, competitive nature.  Who will come out of this claiming to be the top Nagant shot? 

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'm getting excited by the amount of feedback already.  This should be fun. 

First thing first, please note and tell your friends that that the URL has changed in order to correct my spelling error. 

So after committing to do this project and setting up the website I spent time writing up a rough draft of the rules of the challenge.  That got me even more psyched for this event.  I know some of you are ready to do this right away but I want to make sure this is done right since I have never set up and done anything like this before.

I would like your input on the date and time for the event.  Right now I am looking at the afternoon of March 31st at the Wahsatch Shooting Range.  It appears open on their calendar for now.  That would give me time to get things together and my next 4-6 weeks are going to be too busy to get the event put together right.  It will also give plenty of time to get the word spread, people signed up, and those who want to participate that don't have a Nagant time to go buy one and get it sighted in.  I saw that Cabela's had a sale on the Nagants for $99 so if don't have one, or don't have enough of them, I'm enabling you to feed the hunger.

Post your thoughts or go ahead and shoot me an email with your thoughts.  Yes, it will be a friendly competition.  Yes, I do expect a lot of competitive smack talk. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome To The Utah Nagant Challenge Project

This site is built in the hopes to put together the first of possibly many Mosin Nagant 91/30 competitions.  This idea stemmed from the competitive nature shared between my brother and I and the amount of fun we've had with the Mosin Nagant 91/30.

My brother picked up a Nagant a couple of years ago and after having so much fun shooting it with him he took me up to the store and had me pick one out for my birthday.  We still have a lot of fun shooting these things when we can and seeing what you can do with these old rifles.  Recently on a trip to the desert he pulled off a shot to a 1 gallon water jug at 300 yards on the first try.  Oh, yeah, with open sites, no modifications, and surplus ammo.  Pretty amazing.

So with this in mind we've been talking over some ideas about putting together a friendly competition among shooters with the Nagant with open sites.  Details and a date will follow.